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Ear Wax Removal Microsuction

Ear drum

Why do we get wax in our ears?


Ear wax is produced by the glands in the ear canal to protect the skin and trap dirt and debris.

Excess ear wax can block and harden over time, causing blockages that can lead to hearing loss discomfort, and ear infections.


What else can cause ears to block?


Swimmer's ear (otitis externa) is an infection of the ear canal. It's often brought on by water that gets trapped in your ear ear canal, creating a moist, warm environment for bacteria to grow. The infection is often treated with Otomise or oral antibiotics prescribed by a doctor.


Acute otitis media results from infection by viruses or bacteria, often as a complication of the common cold or of allergies. Fluid builds up behind the ear drum and can cause pain, swelling and in some cases can cause perforations. 


How is ear wax build-up diagnosed?


A comprehensive ear examination will show whether you have ear wax build-up. Your Audiologist will be able to do this via an otoscopic or endoscopic check

If your audiologist thinks your ear problem might be more serious, we will refer you to your GP and supply you with evidence to pass to your doctor.


How is ear wax build-up treated?


We recommend that you treat your ears with olive oil spray for 3 to 5 days prior to the appointment

We do not recommend using peroxide or bicarbonate of soda drops for more than 2 to 3 days as this can cause the wax to soften too much and settle on the ear drum.

We also don’t recommend trying to remove ear wax with cotton buds or any other objects. This can push the ear wax further down the ear canal and lead to pain and sometimes ear infections.


What is Microsuction?


The procedure involves the use of small suction tube with gentle pressure to remove wax blockages under direct view binocular glasses fitted with a bright light to view the ear canal and the ear drum.

Microsuction is a safe and effective way to remove excess ear wax, microsuction is the wax removal method used by ENT specialists

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